Russian Dolls 2005

Russian Dolls


Original Title
Les Poupées Russes

Hong Kong Title
Russian Dolls

Plot Synopsis

Xavier, the hero of L'Auberge Espagnole, is off on yet another adventure. This time he's hopping back and forth between Paris, London and Saint Petersburg, jumping in and out of bed again with lots and lots of women. Five years after his return from Barcelona, Xavier is faced with the ultimate challenge: growing up in a world full of contradictions. As he ricochets back and forth between money problems, creative challenges and his ever-turbulent love life, Xavier struggles to find his way. He subsequently throws himself into a wholehearted quest for the "perfect life" with the "perfect woman", only to realize that this wacky, chaotic, circuitous path called life - this series of stories within-a-story-within-a-story, like so many nesting, Russian Dolls - leads to the discovery of his own true heart.

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